Services and Products > Publisher
Solutions for Publishers
In the day and time that we live, travelers cross borders with relative ease, spending considerable time vacationing, doing business or even living abroad. Technology and communication have made the world smaller, and newspapers are now able to meet the challenge of keeping up with the changes.
By using PressTerra's technology, publishers are able to go global and be available anywhere in the world 'Day A' in their original layout.
PressTerra has made an effort to become the one-stop-shop for publishers, offering manageable end-to-end solutions:
- Market research at any location
- Branding of the newspaper
- Promotional activities
- Quality printing, either offset or digital, by certified print partners
- Distribution advantages:
- 'Day A' availability at any desired location
- Simplifies the logistic process; no more rushing to the airport to deliver 'Day B' newspapers at destination
- Regardless the number of locations and different systems, files just need to be loaded to an FTP once.
- Free downloadable software to ensure correct loading of the files to the PressTerra servers
- Lowest possible prices. No fees, just pay per print.
- The ability to use existing distributors to deliver newspapers
- With an ever increasing number of print sites, the PressTerra service offers publishers the ability to work with established distributors and print-sites in new or underserved locations
- Ability to extend subscription services (available at most locations)
- The system allows publishers to print variable amounts of publications per day of the week and per month of the year
- PressTerra guarantees to coordinate and control the workflow of each print site to ensure that the newspapers at each print site are printed in time in order to meet the demands of the market
- Availability for on-demand print at selected locations with a
royalty payment per sold copy. Only print partners with capability of
producing folded newspapers on newsprint qualify for on-demand printing.
- Availability from the Presstige system
, allowing for on-screen reading without the possibility to print. Here too a royalty per sold copy (click charge) is paid to the publisher.
Available print sites
PressTerra offers the following print sites at present:
- Sydney, Australia
- Singapore
- New Delhi, India
- Mumbai, India
- Goa, India
- Kathmandu, Nepal
- Dubai, UAE
- Cape Town, South Africa
- Moscow, Russia
- Munich, Germany
- Geneva, Switzerland
- London, UK
- Dublin, Ireland
- Brussels, Belgium
- Nice, France
- Alicante, Spain
- Madrid, Spain
- Lisbon, Portugal
- Crete, Greece
- Rhodes, Greece
- Corfu, Greece
- Kos, Greece
- Zakinthos, Greece
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- New York, USA
- Miami, USA
- Detroit, USA
- Washington DC, USA
- Los Angeles, USA
- Troy (Michigan), USA
- Toronto, Canada
- Cancun, Mexico
- Kingston, Jamaica
- Istanbul, Turkey